Love and the Other

It’s biblical to reference Romans 13 and say that God ordains government. But it’s also biblical to reference Hosea 8 and say God grieves when people appoint leadership without consulting Him. So, which one is biblical truth?

Do you see the problem? Well, there are several, but here’s one: You could be in power and on the “wrong side,” all the while assuming it’s because of your commitment to biblical truth.

What if someone’s rise to power wasn’t a sign of God’s blessing?
What if God wanted to bless everyone?
What if God wasn’t on your political side?
What if God is with everyone?

If God is with everyone, then there aren’t reasons to expel the people from that other political party who watch that other political news channel who think that other way about the pandemic.

Try and find a church this morning that has the intellectual honesty to “see” this. Oh, and start with yourself. Try to be someone who doesn’t use the bible for anything other than love.

Jonathan Foster

Exegeting culture from a Mimetic Theory and Open/Relational Theological Lens

Beauty Only After Loss


The Reconstructionist